City Cite - City immersion experience for secondary students

Incoming Student Videos

City Cite has prepared a series of three incoming student videos designed to be shown to students as they prepare to attend City Cite. The videos answer frequently asked questions or address common concerns of students.

Video One

This first video features Ballarat Grammar School students talking about:

1. Their experience at City Cite, and

2. Navigation and transport.

Time: 6m51s

Watch on YouTube

Video Two

This second video in the series features Ballarat Grammar School students talking about:

1. The most enjoyable aspects of City Cite, and 

2. Giving advice on lunch options.

Time: 7m30s

Watch on YouTube

Video Three

This third video in the series features Ballarat Grammar School students talking about:

1. How the City Cite program has changed them, and 

2. General advice and encouragement for incoming students.

Time: 6m14s

Watch on YouTube

Prefer watching with captions?

The videos are also available with captions, which is ideal if you are hearing impaired or you're viewing the videos in a noisy classroom.

  1. Click here to watch Video One on YouTube
  2. Click here to watch Video Two on YouTube
  3. Click here to watch Video Three on YouTube
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