City Cite - City immersion experience for secondary students

Round Square

City Cite & Round Square 
City Cite shares with
Round Square schools a passion for experiential learning. It is important that students have the opportunity to achieve in ways and to levels beyond their perceived limits.

It is essential that young people have the opportunity to discover and embrace similarities and differences between cultures, nationalities and diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, in ways that promote meaningful and lasting understanding, tolerance and respect. City Cite provides Round Square learners with rich, immersive tasks and opportunities to achieve these goals.

Round Square's IDEALS
Round Square schools are characterised by a shared belief in an approach to education based on six pillars, the IDEALS, which are listed below, and can be enhanced by city-based immersion programs such as those offered by City Cite.

The ideals of Round Square are listed below:

  • Spirit of Internationalism
  • Spirit of Democracy
  • Spirit of Environment
  • Spirit of Adventure
  • Spirit of Leadership
  • Spirit of Service
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